Circus time works in dog-years. We have been together as a troupe since January fifth, just three weeks, but it feels as though I’ve known our group of performers for at least half a year.

Every day is so packed full that it equals a week of my non-circus life. I am up with the roosters no later than 6 and drop off to sleep by 11. I’m astonished at how much gets crammed into those waking hours. Yesterday it was an hour of yoga, two group meetings, stage managing the team at our dayshow, performing two acts, interacting with kids in a poi workshop, handing out heart stickers like bindi to the kids, taping four hoops, hand lettering five posters, creating the setlist for today’s show, communicating with the performers and crew, spinning three new fire props before bed, plus three meals, three showers, two changes of clothes, an e-mail to home, and giving lots of hugs to everyone in the troupe.

Finding the energy for all this is no problem because working with the children is invigorating. Every smile, hand to hold and little hug gives me a boost of love and happiness to fuel my day. And I hope that our visits give them an extra dose of love and fun in return. Win-win. Woof-woof.

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